Tales of the Lastborns : Marriage, Mischief, and Making Content
Dive headfirst into Tales of the Lastborns, where content creators Dave and Andi mix dark humor, some serious moments, sexy secrets, and chaotic confessions from their creative lives. From behind-the-scenes hilarity to WTF moments that you’ll never forget, this podcast pulls back the curtain on what it’s like to be a little unhinged—and a lot unapologetic. It’s seductive, it’s wild, and it’s exactly the chaos you didn’t know you needed.
Tales of the Lastborns : Marriage, Mischief, and Making Content
Silver Spoons and Plastic Forks
Pet peeves, what are yours? Does it drive you crazy when people stand over the baggage claim at the airport? Andi and Dave discuss some of the things that drive them crazy.
Would you ever guess that Andi grew up in a different world than Dave? Dave lived his childhood with a silver spoon, while Andi lived a lean life with all the plastic forks!
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Website: talesofthelastborns.com
Instagram: TalesOfTheLastborns
Tiktok: TalesOfTheLastborns
X: LastbornPod